Coturnix quail would be a great option when you are looking to raise quails in your backyard. Coturnix quail would make about 210 eggs a year, and if you choose to use supplemental lighting, each can lay up to 300 eggs over the course of a year. If you would compare that to a chicken, it takes about 18-20 weeks for a chicken to mature and lay eggs. From the time the bird hatches to maturity it only takes about 7 weeks, then they are ready to be used for meat and hens will start laying eggs. Jumbo Coturnix is personally my favorite, because of their larger eggs and more meat. Yet even with Coturnix quail, there are different types you can choose from: Golden Coturnix, Jumbo, Pharaoh, and few more. Also, the easiest quail to raise and keep they are ideal for beginners. It is a strong egg layer and often used for meat. It has a fantastic incubation period of only 18 days. One of the most popular breeds to raise in your backyard is Coturnix quail. There are many breeds of quail out there Bobwhite quail, Coturnix, Button, California quail, and many more. There is no learning curve for them, they hit the ground running.
Homemade egg incubator design pdf how to#
They know how to eat, drink and run around. What’s interesting is that two hours after the chick hatch, these little creatures know exactly what to do. The brooder should also have chick feed and water. Then the temperature could slowly be reduced as the chicks grow older. The brooder needs to have a heat lamp to keep the temperature close to 100 degrees for the first few days. Two hours after the chick hatch you could take them out from the incubator and place them in the brooder. The aquarium I bought was too large, so I decided to separate it in half with a foam board and have one side as an incubator and the other as a brooder. I found a large aquarium on craigslist and used that for building the incubator. Now with the glass incubator, it’s way more exciting for kids to see everything from the start, how quails hatch to when they grow up.
Homemade egg incubator design pdf upgrade#
Then I decided to upgrade and build a larger glass incubator.

They have never seen chicks hatch before so it was really exciting for them. When the chicks started to hatch, my kids would fight for their turn to look inside.

I made a tiny window on top of the cooler to peek inside and check the temperature and humidity. The first incubator I built was from an old cooler box. It’s been a fun process especially watching them hatch and have our kids experience the whole process. At some point, I decided to build a DIY Incubator for Eggs so that we could have our own quails and quail eggs. We have been buying them from a family we know locally. But these eggs are harder to find and they are more expensive. Quail eggs contain more fat, protein, and vitamin B12 by weight than chicken eggs. Have you ever tried quail eggs? According to studies, these tiny eggs are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.